Request Jpop

on July 26, 2012
Hello and welcome to my blog!
I am a huge fan of Jpop and I have an account in Jpopsuki, so you guys can request Jpop single, album, PV, TV-performance from me. My internet connection speed is quite slow, so I can't upload DVD or whole TV-show (sorry >"<).
If your request is shared in Jpopsuki, I will upload it for you :D. Please leave a comment in this entry to let me know your request and come back after several days.
Ja ne~ <3


Anonymous said...

Hi~ can I request an album? ^^
It's a soundtrack, for 息もできない夏 (Iki mo dekinai natsu). I would be SO grateful if you could, but if not don't worry. Thanks~~!!

aragaki22 said...

Sorry, I can't find it anywhere, maybe no one buy this CD XD

Tell me if you want the theme song, single firefly of BUMP OF CHICKEN

Anonymous said...

May I request tomica hero rescue force soundtrack?
I've found the soundtrack on, but I have problem to download the soundtrack from that site. I hope you can help me download that soundtrack.

aragaki22 said...

The one u found on indowebster is a video. I can't find whole CD, it's hard to find a soundtrack =___=

Anonymous said...

How about i'll give you the and you help me?
Search Link :
Download Link :

pdin said...

May I request pv for Little Blue BoX - 2 spirits?

Unknown said...

Hi, can I request the album 'Flashback To Memories' by Pop Disaster?

pdin said...

May I request a single from ayami - revise the world?

lucario said...

hi can i request little blue box ishin denshin? its really difficult to find the PV thank you XD

aikurage said...

Hi, can I request Sakamoto Miu's album Phantom Girl?
Thank you!

Unknown said...

Can I request Sekai no owari concert that appears in Death Disco PV??
I'ts sooo spectacular ut i can't find it anywhere :(

Unknown said...

Hello :)
Can I request SEKAI NO OWARI live cd from Dragon Night single limited edition A & B and live cd from RPG single limited edition A?
Thanks a lot!

Maho said...

can I request the DVD (Hono to Mori no Carnival at Saitama) of Sekai no Owari's Tree album? thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

Same with Maho, I would like to request Hono to Mori no carnival at saitama too. thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Is it okay for you to reupload SekaOwa's Nemuri Hime single? The link isn't working anymore... please and thank you, especially for the SekaOwa dls!

Unknown said...

do JPOPSUKI has SekaOwa Arena Tour? If have is it possible for you to upload that one?

hamaocha said...

Hello, could you please reupload sekaowa Rock in japan fes 2011?? the link has been deleted, pretty please,,, thank you

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