on January 1, 2013


02. スターライトパレード
03. 虹色の戦争
04. 天使と悪魔
05. Never Ending World
06. 死の魔法
07. 不死鳥
08. yume
09. TONIGHT -日本武道館 Ver.-
10. 白昼の夢
11. 世界平和
12. Love the warz
13. 花鳥風月
14. 幻の命
15. ファンタジー
16. 青い太陽
17. 眠り姫
18. インスタントラジオ

Source: pinopre@Jposuki
Reupload MF: aragaki22
Password: aragaki22
Size: 7.68GB
40 parts


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this!!

el said...

Thank you for sharing this. I've been looking for it and finally found your post. Unfortunately the links died when I check them. I know it's a lot of uploading to complete this. But I really love SEKAI NO OWARI just like you do. Could you please upload the full iso again?
Since you are in jpopsuki, so I don't know whether you need any of their performance that you can't find. If you do, please let me know and I will try.
Thank you >///<

aragaki22 said...

My life sucks right now and I'm really busy to deal with it. I don't have free time to follow SEKAOWA and upload X(

About the links, the links of first ten parts still alive and I will upload the rest (30 parts) ASAP.

Thank you for your comment ^^

el said...

Thank you for your reply.
All link pages show that "File Blocked for Violation"... I'm not sure if it's only me.
Could you please check them first?
Sorry for asking such a huge file when you are busy. Please ignore me if you don't have time.

Hope evething goes well.

aragaki22 said...

Sorry, I saw the links alive 'cause I logged in my Mediafire account. They did block my files.

I try using new host, please download this file:
If you CAN download it, comment to let me know, I will upload the rest.

Don't worry about me, daijoubun haha XD

el said...

The new link works. I tested the file and it seems fine.
I'll be happily waiting^^
Thank you.

aragaki22 said...

Okay, lucky, I think it takes several days to complete uploading.
Here is the folder link.
Stay tuned and check this folder daily!

el said...

Thank you for uploading all the 40 parts!
I finished downloading them today.
The 35th and 36th parts seem like haven't been uploaded fully. I downloaded the two several times but they still show 199MB. When I tried to unzip the file, it stopped also at part 35 and 36.
Could you please check them?
Thank you very much.

aragaki22 said...

Re-download part 35, 36 and try again @@
Part 35: http://www.mediafire.com/?o8ke78c2k6jvwr1
Part 36: http://www.mediafire.com/?7lfc0xm71m7qvcg

el said...

Thank you veeeeeeeeery much for everything.
I successfully got the whole file and would enjoy it for this weekend.

Best wishes!!

aragaki22 said...

You are welcome! Love you ^^

Anonymous said...

Where is the link ? :/

Anonymous said...

Where is the link, man? Why didnt you upload it on youtube? just saying. I'll wait for you to reuploaded it. Thx!

Anonymous said...

Do you mind to re-upload the videos again??!!! oneigai~~~~ T^T

aragaki22 said...

Can you download from Google Drive?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

thank you so much

aragaki22 said...

wait for it

Anonymous said...

I would be very thankful if you can upload them again>~<
Thanks so much for considering it

Unknown said...


Kwb said...

can u uplode again

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